Philosophical vs. Scientific Texts [N-gram Comparison]
A simple n-gram comparison between philosophical texts and scientific texts. Philosophical texts are scraped from the Notre Dame Reviews , which has reviews of the famous philosophical texts/books (4813 reviews in total between 2002-2018). Scientific texts are the abstracts of the articles on atmospheric /climate science scraped from the AmericanMeteorological Society Journals . The total of 44886 scientific abstracts span a period between 1944-2018. N-grams are combinations of the adjacent n number of words in a given text (e.g., "I am the" is a 3-gram or "my own" is a 2-gram). I considered only 1- and 4-grams in the comparison, the 2- and 3- gram comparison is not very interesting. I scraped these texts for another work in mind (my next post on finding similar texts using machine learning), consequently, philosophical texts are over a variety of subjects while the scientific texts are on a specific field. This creates a bit of an ap...